Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have been inspired by Amanda so I am now writing my own

GOALS LIST FOR 2009. I know that we are at the end of January but these things take time......
  1. Purchase my own property. This means investigating the market etc NOW. (note to self - get on with it!)
  2. Sort out my health once and for all. This is well under way. I will keep you posted of my progress as I have things to comment about.
  3. Plan my next overseas trip and start saving for it. This will be interesting as all my money at the moment is going straight into home ownership at the moment.
  4. Not use my credit card for a month - and that month is February. If it works successfully I will do again in a few months after that.
  5. Laugh more each day - already have a good chortle but I want laughter lines on my face. I don't want a prune face that shows anger and bitterness.
  6. 'Reward' myself each and everyday for all the things I'm thankful for - particularly with me!
  7. Not getting bogged down by the crap that is workplace politics. Life is too short and I work with a number of fantastic people. I will seek them out rather than listening to the IDIOTS instead. Like most work places there are idiots there and they are full of hot air that 'MUST' escape their lips. Meh! I half did this last year and it was fantastic. This year I will do it completely.
  8. Read more. Something that I discovered last year that I really enjoy. I was surprised. I am a visual thinker and find that reading rewards that style of thinking.
  9. Buy a new artist each pay so I can expand my listening.
  10. See a new movie once a month. Sometimes I just ignored the movies even though I had gone out to them with friends. Coffee and conversation was always more interesting but I think this year I might try and keep up with some current culture.
  11. Go on a date at least once a month. I go out nearly all the time. I have a few Friday/Saturday nights home but socialising in a group is not the same as a date. I did this a few years ago but I was not selective in my initial acceptance of dates. Had some great stories to tell but as a result of the craziness of it I stopped going out on dates for a year.
  12. Finish the projects that are in the cupboard.
  13. Go for a walk everyday.
  14. Practice my yoga everyday.
  15. Be thankful for each day for what it is and not what it could be.
So if you have a list of things you have decided to focus on this year let me know.....

just decided to add these two in because this is where my head is at the moment. For reasons that I will keep to myself but this first one is my theme song that arises when speaking to people who annoy me and it has arisen in the last week......Language warning

And this one is bloody funny and true. Nobody likes a BOGAN it's true


Anonymous said...

I love your goals so much that I am taking a few of them for myself...especially the ones involving gratitude, not getting caught up in politics and enjoying new things.. I have a couple of different goals ... but strangely this year haven't written them down! Today is a good day for it though...Chinese New Year tomorrow.
So Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy Australia Day!

My brother is like a 40 year old member of that second clip.

Vanessa said...

Planning an overseas trip? Come see me! Please?

Anonymous said...

You have inspired me too, widge. I have borrowed several of yours and butchered them, and added my own. thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I like your goals--some are the same as mine. I need to practice yoga every day, but when I'm doing it at home, I tend to rush through it. I gotta stop that.

I want to read more, and I think the key for me is to stop being such a book snob. I used to plow through books as a teenager because I didn't worry about what people thought of my book selections. I read a lot of John Saul and Dean Koontz because my mom had them in the house. Now, because of my education, I feel I should only read "literature." So stupid! Then, I wonder why the books I pick out are boring.

I also wish I could walk every day! We're getting 5-8" of snow today :(