Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The recitals continue......

Last night wasn't too bad as I did very little marking.

Tonight is a humdinger!  22 kids!  I am assessing 20 of them!  Should be fun.

Today name badges and lanyards were handed out.  We were told of these about 6 - 8 weeks ago in a staff meeting.  We basically were told that we had to wear them as part of security.  There was discussion about what style you wear - magnetic badge or lanyard.  People laughed and some had a whinge.......all done.

SO many people were complaining that they were not consulted about wearing these things.  Well technically we weren't consulted but we were told.  They were claiming that we weren't even told.........

It is amusing.

In amongst all of this I have been caught up in the politics that is a school musical. I have very little to do with it - and I have done many!  Today I have had 2 people use me as their sounding board to vent.......I know both sides but I say nothing.......those I work with - I will not say anything so don't ask me.

We had a super, dooper long general assembly....the school is so big that we have a year level in another location.  I was in the other location.  The angle of the camera on the stage was interesting.  I learnt lots of things about conducting today by watching from that angle.  With the stage lighting we had I could make out that there were children on stage but could not make out there faces.  Thank goodness that the children from the year level I was with have very distinctive hairstyles!

My year 8s are performing raps this week.  We looked at the hip-hop/rap genre and they have written their own raps, backing tracks and rehearsed to perform today.  I haven't laughed so hard in ages!  Today's raps were about knitting, sesame street, facial hair and various other things.  They were fantastic.  I loved them!  A pity I have to mark them.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a big to-do over the possibility of name badges for security purposes as well. I suppose it's a little different at a school for kids. At my "community" college people were upset because it meant that non-students from the community would not feel welcome there. It undermined what we stood for, so I think they scrapped the idea. They still decided to arm the campus police with guns, but that's a whole different story.