Thursday, September 18, 2008

the night before end of term

Third and final night of parent teacher interviews.  A BIG sleep in tomorrow morning for a late start......and then as it is the end of term an early finish.

Times are 10 am start.  2.30 finish.   30 minutes recess (break) and then about an hour for lunch.  This means I will be teaching for all of 3 hours.  6 periods in 3 hours.  With the juniors it will be: get them in; shut them up; mark the roll; a little bit of work (who am I trying to kid) and then dismiss them with a "happy holidays!".  My year 11/12 in the afternoon is a double and it should be ok - I might actually get some work done with them, but I seriously doubt it!

I have very few parents to see this afternoon.  I hid my sheet.  I only drew it out when I needed to, ie when the kids asked me if I had any times left.  I would cringe and then draw it out slowly.  Oh well.  I have 1 interview this afternoon!  After the tea break I have 15 over 1 1/2 hours.  

Once upon a time I used to be very enthusiastic about my interviews.  Now I'm there - that should be enough. This is a terrible way of being as I am sitting next to an intern.  These are her first rounds and she is gushing with enthusiasm.  I am being put to shame.  

I think I will survive.  Just.

1 comment:

Bayjb said...

Enjoy your sleeping in time, you deserve it!