Friday, May 9, 2008

Clearing the desks.....

In a moment of procrastination I cleared my desk off last night. I moved papers around - a lot into the bin etc and then I packaged the student work that I am avoiding correcting. The only thing I didn't do was wipe over the desk.

Last year I used to end my Friday with the ritualistic desk clear. It made for a better start on the Monday. I was able to finish off the weekend and then mentally prepare for the week ahead. This has not occured once this year as I am teaching the final two periods of the weeek. I must admit that it now makes me feel a little rushed and ever so slightly out of control.

Having cleared the desk yesterday I suddenly feel a little more under control. I see the desktop and I am able to mentally prepare the week and the work. It's all good. Now I might attempt the study at home.

1 comment:

River said...

Amazing how inspirational a clean desk can be. Quite the opposite to a blank sheet of paper which often produces brain drain and/or writers block.