Sunday, February 27, 2011

Change of design.....change of mindset.....

I've changed the background to my blog.....I feel much better within myself and I want to show it.....

I'm reading some interesting books at the moment....
  • Who's Pulling Your Strings? - basically a book that looks at how to change how you respond and set yourself up for manipulators.....
  • Habits Aren't Just for Nuns - a book that looks at how you set yourself up, particularly your mindset, for healthy relationships.
  • The Art of Loving - a much older book (written in the 1950s) that looks at the world of love and the various love relationships you can have, starting with the self.
By reading these books, I am on a discovery of the amazing person that I really am but have forgotten to acknowledge. I am loving the journey that I am on. I have much more energy to deal with more 'difficult' people that I encounter.

I also feel that I have the ability to look at where I am in a much more relaxed fashion without the overriding feeling of guilt. That's not to say that I am not susceptible to stupid thoughts, but rather that I am able to actually recognise them (hopefully) and treat them differently to what I have done before.

This is the first weekend, or even weeknight, that I have taken any work home with me. I made the decision to not engage heavily with my work. It seems to have paid off. I will work a little later each night of the week, but I feel that I give enough during the day and that I need to ENSURE that I switch off as much as possible. This weekend I have really played with a wikispace for my senior music students. I have uploaded so much stuff and set up pages which I can add to throughout the week. It excites me no end! By setting this up, I am hoping that I have extra time in the class to do practical work with the kids.

I feel much more in control than I did in Jan.....

1 comment:

Darce said...

Got your comment on my blog and responded. Glad to hear things are picking up. Would love to catch up if you feel like a chat at some stage - let me know. x