Monday, September 14, 2009


In amongst all of my craziness I have found myself watching "Dog: The Bounty Hunter". You know, I love this show! It is full of the most amazing things I never realised I wanted to know about chasing fugitives.......

I think my most favourite episode - but then it has happened in a number of episodes - is where Beth, Dog's wife, was sharing the idea that haste was imperative as they had a big case to sort out. All the while she was applying her heavy makeup as she stated "a girl has to look her best".

Monday nights just wouldn't be the same without a 'takedown'. Each character is like a cartoon character. There is something quite surreal about this show......

Am I the only one who finds this tv compelling but for all the wrong reasons?


Cosy said...

Coming out as a Dog fan too. Hard to explain to others what the attraction is but it's my guilty pleasure.

Oh, and TMZ. The voice-over is hilarious!

Pure trash!


Anonymous said...

I prefer "Wife, Mom, Bounty Hunter", which I haven't seen in a while...

Anonymous said...

A lot of people love this show, so you're not alone, my friend. I've never watched it, and now I don't have cable, so I doubt I'll get to it anytime soon. Maybe it's the mesmerizing properties of the mullet that draw you in?