Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Interesting developments in the tooth and pilates department

Tooth - now I have an infection in my jaw...... I'm back to the dentist on Thursday. The doctor has given me a course of anitbiotics with the instructions to tell the dentist (as if I wouldn't)......and then the dentist needs to state if I need to have a repeat. I have had huge issues with pain in the nerves in my mouth near my ears. Hopefully this will sort itself out soon! meanwhile, more pain killers are the go.

Pilates - through the course of todays session I got to being able to do a situp from lying down with straight legs. Now while this doesn't seem that exciting, I find it amazing. We tested from the beginning to see what my ability to complete a sit up with straight legs. No chance at all. I was very sad. But we did lots of exercises to engage the abdominals and by the end of the time I was able to sit up with straight legs.

Now I am sure there is the question about why the focus on being able to complete a sit up with straight legs.......well I found out today that if you have bent legs you don't engage all the abdominals that well and you start using the hip flexors......this is generally what you want but when your core muscles are pretty stuffed you want to be able to learn how to engage them properly.

So there you have it. I am still on operation 'Fix the Widget' these school holidays. The back is in much better condition, the core muscles are engaging - I can roll over in bed without having to wake up to do so. So annoying. My tooth is fixed and once the infection is gone I am sure I will be much, much better.

By the way, I'm reading Gilead at the moment and I am wondering why it won the Pulitzer Prize. If anyone has read this book and LOVED it can you let me know why. I am finding it 'nice', which, in my humble opinion, is not a good recommendation for a book. I am struggling with it altogether, but will perservere as it is for one of my book clubs.


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!

Frogdancer said...

Who would have thought that a simple Thai dinner would lead to an infected jaw? Hope the drugs kick in soon.