Friday, March 7, 2008

What is netball?

Vanessa left a comment saying she didn't know what netball was so here are a few things to look at. Just keep in mind that netball is one of the most popular competitive sports in Australia and New Zealand. the rivalry between these two countries is HUGE and there is ebb and flow between who is the number 1 team etc.

First the rules - it is like basketball except for the running with the ball and the scoring - so nothing like it really. Better explanation here.

Hope that explains a few things but you might want to see it so go to this site on you tube to see an amazing game that I went to last year. The thing about international games is that Australian and New Zealand umpires are often not used and the umpiring has a few issues. This game showed it dramatically - the umpires lost complete control of the game by the end and it was awful to watch.

The other thing about netball is that there are many injuries related to knees and ankles. rough on the joints as you have to stop so much......


Vanessa said...

AH, thanks for the explanation! I totally get it now and can positively say, I would not be good at Netball as I am short! 62inches to be exact! Sorry, I don't know offhand what the conversion is to the metric system. Thanks for the demonstration though.

widget said...

That would be 1.57/1.58 metres tall. I am 68.9 inches tall. The teams I play on are not as fast or as talented as the Australian and New Zealand teams - although we all dream.

Anonymous said...

I heard bright red outfits make you go faster, or is that it cant miss them when their on court.

Mr goatie

widget said...

No netballers are not cars Mr Goatie - although sometimes we think that might be the case......I think you might be right about not missing them on the court. Might be why some teams where lurid green and hot pink TOGETHER.