Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the caffiene buzz

Year 10 Music Performance night last night. It was absolutely fantastic! The kids performed SO well. I am SO proud of them. Their parents were so proud of them as well.

I had a diet coke last night at dinner and then I had a coffee during the interval - this was after the two mighty strong coffees before midday.

The night finished at 9.45pmish. I got home around 10.45 after saying goodnight to many happy parents etc (lots of hugs and kisses all round - quite surreal for me really). I got into bed after 11.30 and finally got to sleep around midnight. I woke up at 3am to the sound of the man delivering my milk. What a joy to behold. He was a lot quieter than last week but he did make a fair bit of noise to say the least. I didn't get back to sleep. Aargh! I hate that so much. As a result I am a little delirious right now. I have 'taught' one class and supervised a form assembly. Think I am over it all now - kids are as well.

I have to go off to Professional Development today and learn how to mark statewide exams. This should prove interesting today with the lack of sleep issue. I have no idea of exactly where I am going at the moment either. Then I have to think about how to get home during peak period from the OTHER side of town through the city and everything. Too much thinking for my brain to deal with on no sleep. Did I mention that I have not had enough sleep?

I think I will have to find some coffee now so I can get another cycle going for tomorrow - sadistic really.

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