Sunday, June 15, 2008

an aside

Well I have finished - maybe...... I'm not telling you anymore. I'm over communicating my thoughts.

Why? Well I ran across this

blog readability test

on a search engine which shall remain nameless........

I fed in my address for this page and discovered that you only need elementary level to read my page........I suppose I should feel glad that I keep it simple! but I teach high school kiddies not primary school kiddies.......


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing! You have so many classes, I really don't envy you. As for the Elementary Level blog - I just ran mine through and came up with the same, it must be the fact that we spend all day talking to teenagers.

Anonymous said...

simple clarity is the usage of great orators

Anonymous said...

John says "Look! Widget has written a blog! Write Widget write!"

Jane goes to Wordpress. You upgrade Jane! Good Jane! Blog Jane, blog!

So what's your problem?