Monday, November 5, 2007

I am online

Finally I have worked out how to write a blog. It is very exciting. Thanks frog dancer! The hardest parts for me have been 1) What will my name be? 2) What to write? 3) Convincing frog dancer that I am not weird!

1) Under control - widget be me!

2) Still not coping with it all.....Eventually I will work it out when I am under less pressure.

3) It will never happen. I have moments when what I say is so totally of the planet that even I am confused.

Thinking about this I realise that when I am not working (lucky us with a psuedo public holiday, go the gee gees) my brain moves to a neutral mode from which is quite hard to move....

So despite making an effort to actually learn about the process of blogging my day has been quite uneventful. I have been a domestic goddess (washing done, anzac biscuits made and lots of floors vaccuumed). I have had a volume on the radio war with my neighbours (old fogies rock vs new fangled music), I think I won this as they switched off the old fogies rock.

Actually I have had a discovery that I am no longer with the real world, my phone was disconnected (I have paid the bills) so it was a disappointment when I picked up the handset to call frog dancer that I heard the gentle sounds of wind rather than the dulcet tones of the dialtone. I then spent countless minutes on the mobile to the provider of my landline to find that my "call is important" but there was a glut of people ringing up to make a complaint. Still disconnected - I wonder what that means.......


Frogdancer said...

Gee... your phone is disconnected?? I think it's a sign from the universe to stop gasbagging and start a blog.

Well, ok. Now that you've done this, your phone will be fine. And if it isn't... um... well, it's a sign that you're boring and should shut up.

Scott said...

Hey Widget - congratulations on your blog! I keep thinking of Gidget but that's Sally Field.

widget said...

Sally Field - whenever I think of her I see her in her habit as the fying nun. Generally stops me from thinking of thinking of Gidget. Thanks Scott!

Unknown said...

no when I think of Gidget I see her surfing and having seen Widget on the beach trying to surf I don't see the connection but that is another story as for the poop deck widget has more experience than gidget on that front.
as for the western front jsut remember which side won this also depends which side you are on


Unknown said...

no when I think of Gidget I see her surfing and having seen Widget on the beach trying to surf I don't see the connection but that is another story as for the poop deck widget has more experience than gidget on that front.
as for the western front jsut remember which side won this also depends which side you are on


Unknown said...

oops went twice
